Problems with Adaptive Facade Mission with mini 3 PRO
I am trying to scan a wall who obviously starts at the ground and is about 5 m heigh.
I prepare the mission exactely like indicated in the Dronelink video, starting with the right corner, the left, the max height, the lowest and distance from the wall.
It makes the mission that I can see on my pc, but strangely, the mission starts at 30 m goes up to 60 m, goes back to 30 m etc with his vertical scanning. 'simulation on my pc) Also when reviewing the mission on pc, it statest that min height is 30 m and max 31 m. Whatam I doing wrong here? Thanks for your advise.
1 comment
Best option is to share the mission so that others can see it.
You can see how to do that here:
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