Dronelink Disconnected during mission

Dronelink App disconnects during mid-flight regardless of distance or without any other interference, it keeps repeating but the Drone can still be operated with RC.

I have been using it for over a year but never had this issue but it started recently & couldn't find a way around it.

Please someone with the solution regarding this issue help me out.




  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    What drone? If the Mini 3 or M3E, it sounds like 3.2 here: https://support.dronelink.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052025194-Why-is-Dronelink-unable-to-connect-to-my-drone

  • Comment author
    Guy Sournac

    Idem pour moi , j l’utilise depuis un moment et depuis lundi et que des problemes; Soit il refuse la mission soit il stopppe en vol et ne veut pas la reprendre bre , compliqué en ce moment
    Guy avec un magic 2 PRO et SMARTCONTROLER et DJI AIR 2S ET IPAD

  • Comment author
    luca bianchi
    • Edited

    Stessa cosa per me. Avvio la missione, si porta alla quota stabilita, poi si blocca in volo stazionario. La app si chiude e si riavvia, ma la missione è in pausa ed il drone comandabile solamente manualmente con gli stick. Veramente inutilizzabile in questi giorni Dronelink.

    Io uso RC-N1 ed Air 2s

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    What version of Dronelink and what firmware on the drone?

  • Comment author
    luca bianchi
    • Edited

    Dronelink ultima versione 4.9.3 (294)

    Air 2s versione 02.04.2500

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Can you share the mission plan?

    Does the same mission work at other locations?

    Is there any error message?

  • Comment author
    luca bianchi



    Nessun errore. La app si blocca e si riavvia, ed il drone resta in volo stazionario, comandabile solamente con gli stick. Tentando di riavviare la missione questa non riparte

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    I just ran this entire mission without any issues. Please try running it at a different location and let us know if it works. If so, it sounds like there must be an NFZ near the original site.

  • Comment author
    luca bianchi

    Ho dimenticato di aggiungere che il sito non ha copertura 4g. Avevo quindi scaricato la missione per eseguirla offline, ma non ci sono riuscito in nessun modo a farla partire, pur insistendo almeno 10 volte. Alla fine ho eseguito un volo manuale. Ritenterò alla prossima occasione e farò sapere i risultati. Grazie

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    If you continue to have issues it may help to know what device you are using with the RC-N1 controller. The A2S can use either an Apple IOS or Android OS device so knowing the manufactures name and model number along with the OS version may help. Other than that you may want to delete the app and reinstall it from the DL download center to see if that works. The app closing/ crashing or disconnecting should not be an issue unless you have the DJI Fly app still running in the background which can cause it to disconnect and reconnect. If that is what is happening then check to make sure DJI Fly has been force closed especially if you’re using an Android OS device which takes a bit more to force stop. 





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