Mapeo con Air 2S




  • Comment author
    Jacobo Cavallin

    Cuando hago misiones de grid para fotogrametría con mi air 2s empieza a dar errores de desconexion y praliza la mision. El problema es el tamaño del area a volar? La altura de vuelo? Porque la distancia maxima que separa al dron del radio es máximo 1.7km. y la señal tiene todas las barras. Me podrian indicar que area maxima uds sugieren que se puede realizar el grid para que no sucera ésta situacion? Asi ae podria dividir una mision grande en varias mas pequeñas

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Hi Jacobo. In order for the DL app to work you need a Constant and Clear connection between the drone and controller at all times. Even if it indicates all signal bars that does not always mean there isn’t any interference in the signal between the drone and controller which can stop the mission. Sounds like it’s a rather large mapping plan to be 1.7 km (1 mile) away at some point. Always better to run smaller mapping section plans as indicated in the Web app’s warning. You will need battery swaps at some point anyway so doing it in one large plan doesn’t really change the overall time. Plus if you have any issue with one of the smaller sections you can just re-run any of those sections compared to re-running the entire long mission. There is no maximum size because it will depend on factors like what device you’re using and how it is set up to include whether it’s a Grid or Normal pattern. How many acres is the Grid pattern mapping component and what device are you using ?

  • Comment author
    Jacobo Cavallin

    Gracias Mike por su tiempo, mi teléfono es un samsung Galaxy S23 256Gig., y la misión era de unos 500 acres, normal pattern. Lo extraño es que empezó a desconectarse precisamente cuando el grid estaba más cercano del control remoto, después de la mitad de la misión. Hizo la mitad del vuelo, pero luego daba el error de conexión y no fue posible seguir, tomando altura ya se desconectaba...muy frustrante.

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    Sounds like some intermittent interference regardless of the distance. The DL app has nothing to do with the connection between the drone and controller. The A2S uses the standard RC-N1 controller which has a directional antenna. So the black piece at the top of the controller needs to be pointed towards the drone. Also running a 500 acre mapping plan is risky and the app is not designed to run that large of a map as it warns during the creation of it once you get 100 acres. I mentioned this already. You may never get it to complete so I’d break it up into 50 to 75 acres sections. Good luck.

  • Comment author
    Jacobo Cavallin

    Gracias, si haré secciones de 75 acres/each. Debería funcionar


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