Obstacle avoidance parameters

Vladimir Kondratiev

There's recently introduced set of the obstacle avoidance commands, with new tutorial here https://support.dronelink.com/hc/en-us/articles/26107953807507-Obstacle-Avoidance-Support-and-Commands

What is confusing, it suggest users to discover drone parameters searching in the DJI Fly app:

Check the DJI app for what obstacle avoidance directions are available, including the specific brake and warning values that can be set. These exact values must be used in Dronelink, such as 3.6ft for a brake distance.

In addition to this, it would be helpful to provide the table of available commands and parameters (like a brake distance) for supported drones. This should be easy, it does not require any effort with the phone or web application, just add table to the documentation.

Even better would be providing ability to select drone model in the plan, and filter command list and parameters to include only supported by the selected drone.




  • Comment author
    stéphane GARNIER

    Vladimir Kondratiev, more or less the questions I have, and need to test.

    I have the mini 3 pro with obstacle avoidance features. Don´t know yet if it is taken into account by DL. Seems not.

    Will give it a try soon.

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert
    • Edited

    The OV question is something you should ask DJI about. If it says check the DJI app then that’s what you should do. If you can’t find the parameters then contact them. I don’t see why DL would create a table for each supported drone, I’d expect DJI to do that. It’s no different than all the camera settings or other functions for each specific drone. The pilot must know what works with their drone by checking the specs and only set what works. As far as selecting your model drone in the Web App this has been asked several times over the years. Just one of the many great things about DL over other apps is you can use it with any supported drone across different platforms, devices, operating systems with one account. It would take an enormous amount of work and time to have seperate Web apps for each drone which you would then need a separate account and log in for each. This would take away all of that. I don’t speak for DL and anything is possible but I doubt this will happen.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Do you have another Android device you can try? Trying to understand if it is specific to this device as we have never seen the telemetry freeze while flying or capturing photos on any of our test devices.

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Jim. Was that meant for this thread which I’ve tried to help ?


  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Yep thanks.


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