Waypoints keep resetting
Hi, I am in Jim mode planning multiple waypoint missions where I need to enter coordinates for each waypoint. I have the cut/paste down and able to get everything set on my waypoints. However, when I close the mission and re-open the mission, the waypoints do not retain their locations. This is a time sensitive issue, if you could please let me know what might be the issue?
What appears to be happening is the longitude of waypoint A keeps changing itself back to the origin point of the mission instead of retaining the inputted value?
Also it may be related to waypoints needing 3 points? I set it up as 2 points, then when exiting and reopening, it added a 3 waypoint. Thx
Hi Mike. When you first open the plan in the Web app and then change the coordinates or anything else does the message come up asking to start editing and use current version or new version ?
Yes it does
I was able to get it to work with several iterations. I think the issue is, I originally set up each route as a 2 point waypoint mission. The software requires 3? So when exiting the mission, then going back in, it would add the 3rd waypoint back into the plan at the origination point of the mission. Once I added three waypoints with coordinates, then exited the plan and enter back in, it would add a 4th waypoint, again at the origin, which I then deleted, modifying the current mission. Everything seemed to work from there.
So the short of it is, seems like you always need to set your waypoint mission with 3 points from the start.
Ok. It should not be adding any additional waypoints. I just did a 2 waypoint path and changed the coordinates and it didn’t add another after closing it to save and then opening it back up. I even tried several different ways to test a 2, 3 and 4 waypoint path with different settings changes and even a coordinates change and it always saved the plan without adding any more waypoints. Seems like something else is causing this but I don’t know why. In the future if any plan doesn’t save any changes after closing it I’ve found that powering down my iPad and powering back up fixes this. I’ve had this happen maybe 6 to 8 times over about three years. Must be something h my devices software because it has always affected all three of the browsers I have on my iPad and kept them from saving. Not sure about a PC because I don’t use one. Anyway, if you can get it working for you then that’s good to hear. The adding of waypoints does not seem right though. Best of luck. Enjoy
Had a play with 2 waypoint plan here on a PC and getting same results as Mike (Arizona Wyldwest), in that it stays as a 2 point mission, would it be possible to share a mission that has the problem you are seeing
Could it be when I created multiple copies of the original waypoint mission, all of the Alpha waypoints reverted to the mission plan location and created the issue?
Unfortunately I am unable to share the mission since I am under an NDA for the project.
I don’t think so. I create copies all the time so I always have a back up or even two. If you are worried about the NDA issue you can just use a copy, rename it and move it anywhere else. Then there is no location, plan name or any information and it would be a plan like any other. Your choice.
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