Hundreds of Duplicate Files in Map List
I just flew 3 separate flights, all having the same issue. Hundreds of photos have the same name in the filename list, leaving my rendered map with large holes. Anyone know what could be happening? I'm using a Mavic Air 2s.
I'd be guessing that you are taking both jpg and raw, hence the duplicates
Nope, just jpg, and only a percentage are duplicates
Here is a picture of the rendered map. You can see the large holes of missing files.
and here are the other two maps with the same issue.
Hi Stephen. I know you said it wasn’t set up to capture both but if it did I believe they are indicated also as JPEG so it may be as Martin stated. The easiest way to check is connect your drone and controller with the DJI Fly app. Go to the settings and check to see of it was set to capture both. If it is set to both then all the settings stick across apps so DL will capture both as well. So even if you didn’t set it up in the DL app it will capture both it will until you change it in the Fly app before or with a camera command in the plan. Can’t hurt to check and rule that out. As far as the missing sections you may want to check the flown mission and see if it did capture in those areas. If it did capture correctly then it may be in the processing with the software.
If you are still having troubles with this, could you please share your mission plan? I tried running a basic map with the mavic 2 zoom (the closest thing I have to the air 2s) and even with changing the settings in the DJI app, I was not able to reproduce the issue of having duplicate photo names.
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