Air2S mission complete SD card empty
Flew a mission and it completed, after the SD card had no photos on it. It did have a fail to capture but only near the end. It should have st least had the other photos.
Was writing to internal and not SD Card. Oops
if you go to mission history in the web app, what messages does it show in the area shown below, also if you click on the area circled in red, what shows up in there
Also what card are are you using, how old is it, was there plenty of space on it, and when was it last formatted
Thank you for the reply. It looks like it was my mistake. It was writing to the internal storage which ran out of space, and not my SanDisk Extreme 256gb 3 A2
Glad you got sorted, and also posted the cause
@Martin I flew a test mapping mission offline, but I didn't see the drone icon flying the route on the tablet.can you help maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Hi Victor, I'm not 100% sure what you mean, can you possibly post a screenshot that might help me understand, this is what mine looks like with no drone connected and a mission loaded
You see the grid on your picture,now say you ran the mission but in your screen you see the grid but the little drone running thru the grid it didn't show.when I ran the did the mission, but if I looked at the grid to see where the drone was at I couldn't see it.only the grid.
That's strange, never seen that happen, is the Home point marker showing on there, let me know, hoping to get out with mine tomorrow, so will check with the latest version which I've not flown with yet
I'll fly again today and see if something changes and I'll let you know
Oh Martin I forgot I was flying offline on my tablet.I got the Samsung Galaxy S7+.if I fly with my phone everything is ok but I downloaded it for offline,and that's when Im having the issue we talking about
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