DJI RC pro and HDMI output


Hi, I have a new dronelink and I am satisfied. The only problem I have is with image mirroring to HDMI output on my DJI RC Pro. I need a clean drone image on HDMI output, I don't want image controls on the HDMI output? How to set it up?   




  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Unless I’m misunderstanding you correctly, I would think that is question for DJI.

  • Comment author

    I need this: In the DJI fly app it works fine. I need to find the same settings in the dronelink app. Thank you 

  • Comment author
    Mike (Arizona Wyldwest) Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    Gotcha 👍🏼. If it doesn’t have the ability in the DL app then you can create a post in the feature request section to add that ability in the settings. There are quite a few functions/ features which are not in the DL native app but they have been adding more and more since they updated to the modern UI. For now have you tried setting it up in the DJI app first then open the DL native app to see if it works. The Settings stick across apps so what is set in the DJI app will usually be the same using DL. This function setting may not but can’t hurt to try. I don’t have a controller with that ability so I have no way of testing to see if it does or doesn’t. Easy to test yourself. Hope that helps. Good luck and enjoy.

  • Comment author
    • Edited

    Hi, I've tried it. The OSD is still there (via DJI FLY I have LIVEViewOnly set there and in the DJI FLY application I have a clear image without OSD) even on the HDMI output, which I need to hide in the dronelink application. I need a clean output without OSD on the HDMI output in the RC pro controller.

    IN SDK: setSecondaryVideoOSDEnabled, getSecondaryVideoDisplay  and setLiveViewSimultaneousOutputEnabled 

    can you please look at it, is it included in your code aplication Dronelink?? Thank you 


  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Moving to feature requests.

  • Comment author

    Thank you for moving. When will you do it? Thank you

  • Comment author

    Can I somehow contribute to the development? It is a key feature for me, why I bought DJI RC Pro and Dronelink. It's too much money to just sit on the table.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    If you are wanting to contribute to the code you can email for more details.

  • Comment author
    Joao Pedro

    I need to do a POI mission but I need clean HDMI from my RC Pro for a live streaming. Please can you tell me if is already available before I buy your APP?

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    No, this feature is not currently prioritized.

  • Comment author
    John Dyson

    Hi Jim, can I ask you one question?

    This HDMI without OSD is essential for people how work on television and/or do streamings but I already know from your last comment that its not on your priority list. After a long search I also notice there is no third part app that can do clean hdmi. I am not sure if is because api don´t allow that or just because is not a priority. 

    Can you tell me if It's possible to launch for example a POI mission from Dronelink and change app on RC Pro to native Dji APP and continue preview the mission in process? I like to use the native rc pro option to send the hdmi signal from rc pro but I don´t know if native app will connect after send dronlink to background and if the drone will continue the running mission...

    Is this possible?

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Not possible, only one app can be connected at once.


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