Camera photo interval
I love the flexibility of Dronelink. With flexibility comes complexity. My flights need to mix video and photo. I try to separate capture types, but I between waypoint starts, path actions, arrival and departure, and various combinations I am confused about how to set items like photo capture intervals. I try all types of variations and I continually guess wrong. I wish to stop guessing!
Where / when exactly do I set photo capture intervals? I'd appreciate any clarification / best practices anybody has to offer!
My many thanks,
Ok, what I'd do there's is create a simple list as follows:
Stop capture
Set camera mode, photo
Set capture interval (this must be an interval your drone is capable of, default is usually 2 seconds)
Them insert this list before the low to high photos
I went through it real quick. As always many different ways to set up a plan and 6 different pilots can give you 6 different ways. I’d would do this plan differently but I used what you had and tried to simplify it. It will take time to figure out what works best for you. Once the camera is set in a list which is what I use for settings like, ISO, Shutter, White balance etc, you will only need to start and or stop capture of video or photos. It will take time to understand things like, arrival, departure, start and stop at proper place so it’s fluid throughout the mission. Otherwise you can get photos or videos starting and stopping many times over instead of continuous photo intervals or running continuous video. Enjoy.
Thank you both for your kind help. I think I have the interval working fine in the preview.
I have another issue is the gimbel orientation on the Orbit. I intended for it to be looking at POI A. It is looking straight down. This may be left over from an earlier photograph command. I cannot find it.
Any ideas from you eagle eye guys?
Go into the orbit settings, and you can set a poi in there
I believe I have done that properly. Did you look?
Mike Bahr
This is interesting. I believe you previously had a manually entered gimbal angle of -90deg, which you can see here:
The solution is to delete that and then the default behavior or looking at the center will work. However (and this is the interesting bit) when you added the POI it stops showing the gimbal angle and yet still seems to respect the manually entered gimbal angle.
The solution then is to delete the POI, and then remove the manually entered gimbal pitch (just click the little garbage can). That will fix it for you.
Not showing the gimbal angle makes sense after you add a POI, but then it should not be respecting that, or at least it should be showing that. Jim McAndrew- I think I would consider that a bug.
Interesting indeed. The only way I could get it to work was to delete the orbit and recreate it. I had previously tried deleting the gimbal angle at waypoint lima (no change) and then deleting and re-adding the POI. Nothing worked until I deleted the orbit and recreated it.
HI. That is exactly what I was intending. I cannot find that. I've searched through My displays for Orbit and Orbit Start do not have it. It is SUPER frustrating.
Found it. I had to enter 'expert mode' to have it displayed.
Thanks for everyone's help!!
Yeah some things are stuck away in expert mode, they were put there so folk can learn the basics first, then start to really get into the more advanced features
Hey Mike. DL does have a lot of settings and functions but you will get it figured out the more you use it, create missions and run the preview. What I did when I first starting using DL was create a couple Repos and named them as Test Repos and by what type of plan. Many I never actually flew but running the mission preview and seeing how they would work really helped a lot. You can use many different components, settings, functions etc, and see what they actually do. Once I was done and it looked good I download the KMZ file and ran it on Google Earth which is pretty amazing. I believe it’s the best way to learn how it works and test plans before actually running them. Enjoy….
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