Avoiding Invalid Commands

Dave Keasey

I've learned (the hard way) that there are some commands (including some individual settings within a particular command) that just are not applicable for a particular drone (M2P, in my case) and may result in a failed mission if executed.

Is there anywhere a description of each command that allows me to understand how it applies to my particular drone, and what the possible consequences are if that command is used with a drone incapable of executing the command?




  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    No, the only way to know what works is to test it before your flight. The good news is you can create a mission plan with just the commands, and as long as there are no motion components (Path, Destination, Map, etc), then the props won't spin up. You can just test it while sitting at your desk. I would still recommend removing the props before you try this.

  • Comment author
    Rafał Ciszewski
    • Edited

    Cześć. W domu, siedząc przy biurku, staram się sprawdzić, które polecenia działają z mavic air 2 (chcę sprawdzić kamerę i polecenia przegubowe), bez zdejmowania drona z ziemi. Mam listę zadań do wykonania, bez elementów ruchu drona. Śmigła wyłączone. Otrzymuję komunikat:

    wymienia tutaj

    Gdzie popełniam błąd?

    Przepraszam za mój język angielski. Używam tłumacza.


    Btw. Command "Drone Home Location (beta)" działa dobrze na MA2. Drone poprawne przejść do nowego punktu domu.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Please share a link to your mission plan.

  • Comment author
    Rafał Ciszewski
    • Edited


    To jest tylko do testów filmu, zdjęcia i gimbala.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Can you try removing the restricted takeoff location?

  • Comment author
    Rafał Ciszewski

    Thank you very much. Work ok now 😀.
    I am stupid. Simple mistake.
    Greetings. Rafał.


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