Regarding automatic flight, what happens to Dronelink when Mini 2 derailed from the pre-defined flight route due to a gust of wind?
I'm currently using DJI Mini 2.
Regarding automatic flight, what happens to Dronelink when Mini 2 derailed from the pre-defined flight route due to a gust of wind?
Dronelink will try to return to pre-defined flight route via the quickest rout?
Dronelink will change the route as Straight from the deviated point to Desitination?
The drone will stop and hover.
The next action is up to the pilot to take control.
It depends on how far off course it is taken.
If it is within tolerance, it will continue forward but moving back over to get back on the path. It will do this as smoothly as possible.
If it is too far off course then the mission will stop with a message stating that.
Note that "too far off course" also includes where the wind is causing it to go slower than expected. If it falls too far behind the plan it will also be considered off course. However, in this case there is an option for high wind tolerance that changes that behavior and allows it to fly slower than expected.
Great explanation Barry. 👍🏼
I really appreciate it.
Did some had the opportunity to test all scenarios described by Barry ?
If the mission is far off course, the mission will stop.
How far away does it have to be to stop?
If altitude and velocity are related, assume an altitude of 70 m and a velocity of 10 m/s.
Flight will stop when it is off course by more than the limits you set for the mission. You can set the off-course limits larger to prevent the errors. The drone will always try to stay on course but when off course it will stop immediately. Your off course limits are set for a purpose by you to prevent going to low or off course into trees or whatever your plan permits.
It may be off course by only1 or 20 meters beyond your limit. It will not get back on course on it's own. You can manually move the drone back within your plan limits and then continue the mission.
In the advanced section of the mission details you will see this
藤村 奨
Also When using a Mini the speed should not be set too high. The faster you try to run the mission the more chance of having an off-course error due to the drones size, power and weight. If flying in windy conditions it will more then likely happen. My MM Max speed is usually set to no more than about 15 mph in order to not fly off-course. My MA2 can run up to 25 mph most times without issues although I usually run at about 16 to 18 mph. Good luck.
Ladies and gentlemen
I learned a lot from that.
Thank you for your explanation.
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