M3E Beta - On-the-fly Orbit Drone Pitch



When flying an on-the-fly Orbit mission for a vertical structure with the M3E, the drone always reverts to around -65 deg pitch even when adjusting it before or during the mission. Is there a way to set/control this? Or am I better off using another on-the-fly mission like Circle.





  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Dronelink has a tower specific solution that might be of interest.

    For more details, please contact us here: https://www.dronelink.com/contact-us 

  • Comment author
    Zora S

    This is happening to me, also. I can't adjust the obit radius or altitude using the Orbit on the fly and the M3E. While the tower-specific option may be helpful, there is an obvious bug. Also, it does not use the camera pitch I have it set to when going through the steps.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    there is an obvious bug

    It is functioning as programmed - this is actually a feature request.

  • Comment author
    Zora S

    In the screen it tells me that the orbit function permits making adjustments using the joysticks when flying. So it doesn't do that? 


  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    The main adjustments are for the radius and the speed, so if those aren't working for you then that would be a bug. The gimbal wheel doesn't directly control the pitch, but rather applies an implied "altitude offset" from the starting point (which is the ground level at the center of the orbit), and from there it calculates what the angle would be to keep an object at that altitude in the center of the frame, so it may be working but just not how you think it "should" work. If that isn't working either then that would also be a bug, but no one else has reported it at this time.

  • Comment author
    stéphane GARNIER

    Hi Jim,
    I reported the same months ago with mini2. Mainly the difficulty to manage the pitch through the wheel during the orbit.
    I am like struggling with the wheel to maintain the right angle : each time I am moving up, then the gimbal automatically goes down. Result is not satisfactory for me.
    Hope something will be done to modify the software.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    When you roll the gimbal wheel, do you see it update and display the implied altitude offset?

  • Comment author
    Zora S

    For the M3E, when adjusted mg the wheel, it moves and then snaps back to the ground level. Never remains where I want it. Also, I can’t make adjustments via the joysticks for the radius.

  • Comment author

    I just experienced this a few days ago on the original mini. In the past I’ve always created a mission, so this was my first experience using the On-The-Fly feature. Adjusting the radius and altitude worked as expected, but the gimbal snaps back  to around -65º after rolling the wheel.  I did not see it update for the altitude offset. Is the gimbal pitch set based off of the altitude you initiated the On-The-Fly feature or the altitude of the drone ?  

  • Comment author
    stéphane GARNIER

    Jim McAndrew

    "When you roll the gimbal wheel, do you see it update and display the implied altitude offset? "

    I do see the gimbal movement when I roll the wheel.

    However the gimbal is returning to its initial position if I release the wheel. As a conclusion I need to manually control the gimbal position. Unfortunately I am not as efficient as your software to manage the angle this way.

    Expected result from DL would be to maintain the new position when the pilot is changing the gimbal angle by rotating the wheel.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    We are looking into giving Orbit and Circle some extra love (combining the two to make it less confusing) and putting some more options under the advanced section.

  • Comment author
    stéphane GARNIER

    Great 👍

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Just released some updates to Orbit:

    • Added radius and altitude display when marking start location
    • Added support for direct gimbal wheel input
    • Removed the separate Circle function and instead put those options under advanced if you disable real-time adjustments
    • Corrected several issues with the map zooming out too far
    • Corrected and issue with the summary messages in the Modern dashboard
  • Comment author
    Zora S

    How long does it generally take for it to be available to download? Or is this just available in the APK for the enterprise remote?

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    These changes were accomplished via a function update and a kernel update, both of which happen over-the-air / instantly for any device that is online.

  • Comment author
    Zora S

    Fantastic. Thank you. If you happen to have any contact with Jacob, please ask him to review his email. We want to do some advanced testing of scan link to determine if we roll this out to 100s of pilots.

  • Comment author
    stéphane GARNIER

    Are these updates applicable for all aircrafts ?
    Thanks for the job done.

  • Comment author
    Jim McAndrew Dronelink Staff

    Yes - all OTF functions work for all drones.


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