iOS Feature Questions

J R Hoffman

Hello. I have a few questions as I start to learn Dronelink and iOS app.

1. I see the radar display in screenshots, but it appears that Dronelink iOS app doesn't show the radar feature. Am i missing an option to turn on? I know Litchi iOS does not have the radar display, but Maven for iOS does have a modified display.

2. I don't see options for configuring the buttons on the DJI controller. Am I missing an option?

Thank you.




  • Comment author
    J R Hoffman

    Follow-on question.


    Is there a list of all the available waypoint options, such as "turn the bottom light on/off".


  • Comment author
    Barry Houldsworth Dronelink Expert Dronelink Expert

    I am assuming you are using the Modern dashboard (which is now the default).  You can confirm this is the battery indicator is shown in a red/green circle.  

    If that is the case, the radar function has not been migrated over to that yet.  If you need that you can switch back to the classic dashboard, which has that feature.

    Re. your other questions.

    1. I don't believe there is a way to program the buttons.  Things change frequently, so if that has been added someone can please correct me.
    2. I don't believe there is a way to turn the bottom light on/off.  Again, if someone knows how please let me know.  You could pause the mission, switch to the GO4 app to turn it on, and then switch back and resume.  Yes, I realize that might not be the solution you were looking for.



  • Comment author
    J R Hoffman

    Thank you.

  • Comment author
    Daniel Bittner

    Too bad, exactly the function that the postion/landing light can be turned on or off would be a necessary function for me. So no light painting is possible with the app.... 


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