Missions can be paused and resumed.
A mission can be paused by the pilot, or paused automatically by a low battery warning, or other event. Pause a mission at any point to account for oncoming aircraft, other distractions or safety issues.
It is possible to resume a mission, either mid flight, after battery swaps, or resuming on a different day, or even different mobile device.
Select Pause at Any Point
Review Resume Point After Pausing a Mission
The resume point is displayed on the map as a pink pause circle.
Select Play to Resume and View Resume Path
After selecting play, the resume path will display in purple on the map. The drone will fly to the pause point and then resume flying the mission.
Open a Paused Mission from the Missions Menu
From the Missions Menu in the mobile app, select a Paused mission to resume it.
The mission will load and display the last capture location with the pause icon on the map.